Highly Accelerated Life Testing-HALT System

Highly Accelerated Life Test (HALT) is a process in which products are subjected to accelerated environments to find weak links in the design and/or manufacturing process. The primary accelerated environments include thermal (both temp limits and rate of change) and vibration (pseudo-random 6 DOF). Other accelerated environments using voltage, frequency, etc. are applied as appropriate for the sample being tested.

Various product defects can be quickly discovered, within couple hours, to help understand the extremes of product operation and product design. Products designers may adapt active measures to various failure models, which can dramatically reduce the time period during R&D stage of product optimization and reach higher reliability after proper design changes.

Maximum change rate of temperature of the system is 70C/min,and maximum vibration level is 60GRMS with frequency range up to 3000Hz (or 10KHz) and humidity ranges of 5%-95% .